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Surf Pirates
pillaging the Spanish Inquisition,
now $10.00 (with registration) $11.99 (without) |
Primordial rhythms fuse with
extraterrestrial nuances,
like an cosmic astronaut jamming with the cavemen. Makes me wonder just where the hell did Zaka really come from? |
In capital letters, and with all of the enthusiasm in the world, I proclaim to you: I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW ECLECTIC THIS CD IS! This is an odd comment coming from a girl who thinks that most types of music nowadays are just poor rip-offs and replications of other people’s sounds; who thinks that originality in music is a long-lost art form. Zakas, however, is so refreshing in style and form that I’m taking off my bitter and cynically tinted glasses and replacing them with a pair of rose-colored ones. Zakas, a Las Vegas musician and programmer, collaborates with 26 other individuals to put together the intriguing Illegitimus Non Carborundum (and for those of us who slept through Latin class in ninth grade, the title translates into “Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down.”) The long list of musical talents featured on this CD include vocalists, electric violinists, a flugelhorn player, a saxophonist and a Chinese narrator, along with Zakas himself who is in charge of “all drums, percussion, programming, theramin, unusual noises and vocals.” Again, let me take this opportunity to point out that this is the most original and eclectic CD that you will ever take pleasure in hearing. Zakas’s music will draw you in wholeheartedly, hold fast to your deranged and unorthodox mind and twist your thoughts and ideas past the breaking point. It will change everything you thought you knew about music as the luscious juxtaposition of jazz, 1980’s metal, hard rock and programming warp your listening expectations. The best part is, all of this wonderful musicianship is displayed within the first twenty seconds of Illegitimus Non Carborundum. Monster Surf, the first of eighteen tracks on this album, is a three-minute romp through the Space Age complete with groovy beach-style guitar strumming and slight gothic undertones. If anyone was searching for a summer anthem, something to listen to on your beach blanket. Humor reigns supreme on this CD, especially track four entitled Row. Every moment of this five-minute piece pays homage – in a seemingly comedic sense – to the life of a pirate and his crew. There is no singing, only talking (in a wonderfully cheesy pirate-style voice, complete with a few “args” for your listening pleasure) and the instrumentation provided in the background is of professional quality. Rocking heavy-metal guitar riffs dominate this piece and the violin adds just the right dissonance to the beginning and ending of the song. Track thirteen, House of Kang, is another perfect example of the humor Zakas is fond of using in Illegitimus Non Carborundom. Opening with a light crash on the gong, this track features narration in a flowing, laid-back Hawaiian style promoting the mysterious sounds of the Far East with the modernization of the West. A woman’s voice during the mostly-sung chorus adds the perfect Chinese flavoring and the soft, skilled flute playing is dreamy towards the ending. But behind the humor there is truth. God’s Black Space is a mostly-spoken piece featuring the mysteries of alien artifacts and former civilizations on Mars, set to bizarrely disturbing violin playing and the repetitive, haunting clang of a bell. Micro Mechanisms, which begins with an intense bass line and marching, stringent drumming, discusses the onset of Nanotechnology in a PSA-style dialogue. Ominous tones plague both of these pieces, making sure that you never forget what you just heard – musically and informatively. However, the most bizarre (and I mean that in a positive way) song on this CD is track eight, entitled El Chupacabra. Starting with the rapid, frantic voice of a woman speaking Spanish and quickly changing into upbeat, Mexican-style trumpeting, this song had me running to Google to figure out just what in the hell a “Chupacabra” actually is. Seven years of Spanish classes and a trip to Madrid certainly did not prepare me for what I read about the subject. According to legend, El Chupacabra, or “The Goat Sucker” (for those currently unable to find their Spanish-to-English dictionaries), was first spotted in Puerto Rico in 1994 drinking the blood of goats on several neighboring farms. Since its exposure 10 years ago El Chupacabra, which looks like a four foot tall version of Sonic the Hedgehog with big, black alien-like eyes, has been spotted all over South America. As a fan of anything extraterrestrial in nature, I’ve been checking for El Chupacabra every night in the woods adjacent to my apartment complex and have put off plans to visit South America indefinitely. Anyhow, ignoring my fears and turning back to the matter-at-hand, this four-minute track is musically intelligent and, at points, surprisingly upbeat. The drumming and Rush-influenced guitar playing is out of this world (all pun intended). This is a track that should not be skipped over. Want visuals to accompany the music? You got it. Just check out the cover art and you’ll get a feel of the type of mind-blowing, science fiction influenced music that you are in for. The front cover is a gothic, sci-fi hybrid featuring a Satanic-like wolf pulling away in injury from a guy attempting to stab the shit out of him, who looks surprisingly like Magneto from the X-Men comic book series. The inside art is a haunting drawing of three pyramids floating in very murky water; which, for some reason (and I’m not high when I say this) look like they are moving towards me, actually creeping towards me. And the art on the back of the CD is a horrible, green-eyed alien creature covered in scales and dripping blood from his barracuda-shaped teeth. The artistry is dark, different and exotic, and buying a copy of this CD for the artwork alone would be well worth it. From the passionately trippy, jazzy saxophone playing in R.I.F.T. (Realms In Floating Tranquility) to the Celtic, battle-like intensity of War Braid, Illegitimus Non Carborundom has something for everyone. This is a bizarre collection of music, but a good collection of music, with musicians who know exactly how to play their instruments and utilize their talents to the fullest of their abilities. So make sure to listen to this CD. Or the aliens and pirates and El Chupacabra will come to get you. Zakas promises it. By Manda L. Earp
back in your seat, turn up the volume, and prepare to hear the rune-axe howl! Zakas will rock you out of your universe!
Imperative www.aliensurgeon.com by Mac Tonnies |
put: Zakas has created a brilliant CD full of music that has some of the
most ORIGINAL IDEAS ever assembled in an ALBUM! The BEATLES REVOLVER or SERGEANT PEPPER comes to mind when listening to the tracks on this CD! Every ZAKASONG or ZAKASTRUMENTAL takes you on a journey and you never can predict where he'll go next! (UNLIKE SO MANY ARTISTS TODAY YOU KNOW BEFORE THE CHORUS) GREAT WORK Z and also to your PRODUCER Bill McCLIRK!!!!!!! John Niems |
Zakas is this guy who makes songs using instruments and a mouth and puts them
on |
really enjoyed the CD....
"Reusable" was quite disturbing in it's psychotic intensity
- I loved it! Another favorite, "Row," also grabbed hold and
didn't let go. Your talent is impressive, evidenced by the varied
fantasy-realms that the listener is transported to, whether they want
to go or not! Ranging from dreamy to nightmarish, ILLEGITIMUS NON
CARBORUNDUM is a kaliedscopic aural journey well-worth taking!
Plus, I really enjoyed the Brom tribute!
you for it............
"This CD illustrates how far Zakas can stretch his creative abilities. It is a well produced, intelligently arranged piece of art. The far-out ambient, deep space soundscapes that accompany the music fit in perfectly-- like the well-placed ting of a cymbal. Bang! Bam! Kinda like old Hawkwind. On top of all this-- it has balls; big nasty balls with iron spikes and a rusty jizz delivery tube that spews its demon-filled load right into your brainstem. Snat! This is not for those pinkboy conservative types. Hotcha!" | |||||
Chupacabra" was a work of art... who'd think to combine metal and mariachi to tell the tale of the Goatsucker?! -Chris Barnes- |
I've worn out your new album, ...I really like the whole album as a whole, by the way...it's terrific...now my absolute fav is track 7 , that beautiful instrumental...I have time to play it 3 times, back-to-back, on my way to work at 4 am..it's a perfect mellow beginning of my day....my fav vocal tracks are, in order, 3, 9,6 (6 is growing on me-I could change it to fav vocal) ,18,17 and 13, fav instrumental tracks, in order, 7,16 (love it too), 1 and 2 combined, and track 19, which sounds like YOU having lots of fun!!! oh, and Jeni wants to know what a theramin is, and if those are Las Vegas coyotes in the background on one of the songs--she's such a pain!! lol....I told the grandkids I thought maybe #3, terror of the seas and a few others could have been used on the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"...were they?? I didn't see it yet, but they seem like a good fit!! so anyway, I love the album, and we all thank you for the CDs!!
Illigitumus Non Carborundum ("Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down"), indeed it would be very difficult to grind down a band this all over the place. Apparently the brain child of drummer Zakas (with a little help from 26 other musicians) INC starts with what is definitely surf music, but with a menacing tone to it. Tarck 2 brings a Progressive and Jazz hybrid with female vocals. Track three is definitely metal but quirky (good stuff). Track 4 is metal with a pirate story spoken over it. The following two continue the pirate theme only to be replaced by track 8 with a Latin theme ("El Chupacabra") where a solid metal song has female Spanish vocals and then...a Latin Horn Section over it. If you're getting the feeling this is all over the map you'd be right. Progressive and Jazz influences continue to pop up and Surf makes a return both musically and lyrically for the outro. Mars gets a lyrical turn and also some downright frightening lyrical hatred on "Reusable" ("Liar, Liar, face on fire, what you need is red hot pliers, digging in, ripping skin, tear away all your sins" and it sounds from the heart, yikes!). If this gives you the idea this CD is one big mess, you'd be wrong. It all somehow works and holds attention well. The production could definitely use some more punch, but the musicianship standard is high. For the most part traditional metal, but at the same time like no metal you've ever heard (although at times a slight resemblance to Sacred Blade is noticeable). When you're ready for something really different. |
Azkath: | ||||
Steve Zakas is an extraordinary drummer who played with numerous bands of different styles, including Shield, Dead Serious, Death Dream, Battle Steel, Vicinity and he Battered Midgets. Very expansive, and sometimes on the "just plain weird" side a la Frank Zappa, Zakas first solo album, "Shunk Daddy Grind", is a very eclectic album, covering a wide variety of styles from heavy metal to world music and unique song structures. The album features cover art by Brom. CD was released in 1998 features 18 tracks. | ||||
This stuff moved me more than a gallon of ExLax! Buy it! |
Wolfgang Ketterle: | ||||
Bro, listened to your cd
Megitimus non Carborundum several times.
I use the pc and have a
cd player by my side, instead of using
the main one.
Back in the late 70's &
early 80's when metal was nowhere really,
I used to buy imported
lps(like Viva, 1982 German, Sad Iron, 1983 Holland, etc.)
and at times I hear some
riffs that take me back to those times.
And Manowar had lyrics
in 'Battle Hymns' 1982, 'Into Glory Ride' 1983
that reminded me of some
of the tracks on your cd. I may be older,
but I always stayed with
the music...never stuck with "oldies" 60's,
70's etc. I kept
listening to Sabbath and GFR but also stayed up
and with the music as it
changed and grew, punk, grunge, industrial
metal, speed and death
metal, and groups like Tangerine Dream,
Moody Blues....man,
music was and will always be my life.
I have almost 1500
lps(mostly mint, which I want to sell) and almost
1,000 cds. Man, even
gangsta rap and Eminem...guess I'll never
"grow up".
Anyway, I know and
appreciate good great music and have an Alpine
6 cd changer with 15
inchers in my IROC and amps to kick it.
I liked "God's
Black Space" bro. Check out the alien artifacts and Mars orbiters
info, 19.5 degrees and
tetrahedral, face to space.....great lyrics
with incredible data and
music. Love it, Man....Thanx much Zak,
I am listening to it now
as i write....vocals and instruments reminiscent
of many bands I
loved...very diverse and at times...spacey.
great cd...straight up.
Thanks again
brother....keep rockin' on
3xr7: The artwork is cool..... D.o.D. |
© 2003 Poppagutz Publishing BMI McC Records Las Vegas NV mccrecords@aol.com